Tuesday, January 26

the sartorialist favorites - january

here's what grabbed my attention this month in the sartorialist, possibly the best fashion blog of all times:

this is what I call "sense of style".

yes, androgyny can be so attractive.

she's too cute to be true. her outfit has just the right amount of androgyny and toughness to balance her pixie-ness.

I love everything about this stylish milanese gang. I even go as far as declaring I want to be one of them. girls, take me in!

my mom always says tall men shouldn't wear long coats, for it makes them look even taller. I love this look for the exact same reason... seems you don't always grow up to become your mother. good work with colors, aswell. such a new yorker.

the sartorialist called this brazilian "my new fashion star". I love her daring, frisky, sunlit style.

and finally, the sartorialist himself in place vendome, paris. he always reminds me of classic-era actors.


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